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Finding a Mental Health

Finding an appropriate mental health provider is extremely important for those with IBD and those giving support for IBD patients. We would like to highlight important resources below:



1. "Finding a Mental Health Provider for Your Child and Teen with IBD" - Four page guide written by the Psychosocial Professionals Group and members of the ICN Community








2. "Do You Care For Someone Who Has Been Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease?" - PDF by National Alliance for Caregiving














3. National Alliance on Mental Illness Guide for Family Members and Caregivers








4. US Department of Health and Human Services Guide for Caregivers



Materials on this webpage are created by members of the ImproveCareNow Community. Do not rely on the information in these documents or resources to diagnose or treat any health condition. This information does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Disclaimers posted at 
apply to any materials found on this site.

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