Identifying Diets
These are all diets and/or nutritional therapies for people who are diagnosed with IBD as diets can often lower inflammation and help reduce flares (all these diets are ones that our own patients in the PAC have experience with)!
SCD or Specific Carbohydrate Diet
Restrictive diet that is completely grain-free and low in sugar and lactose
Read more in this handout by Stanford and NASPHGAN
FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols, which are groups of carbs that can trigger GI related symptoms.
Read more about the low FODMAP diet here in a handout put together by Providence Children's Hospital
Lactose is a sugar found in dairy products and can trigger GI related symptoms
Read more about dairy-free alternatives in any of the following links:
Gluten free
Gluten is a protein that can be found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley
Can be difficult to maintain without proper space to freeze food/financial stability. Also, you need a lot of substitute ingredients which can be difficult to find/afford.
TPN or Total Parenteral Nutrition​
Intravenous nutrition, all nutrition gained through IV.
Used when child’s digestive system is no longer functioning or part is not functioning.
Also used if the intestines are not absorbing swallowed food properly.
This feeding method is done by inserting a PICC line and then using this to give food through a formula (this goes around the normal process of eating and is done via blood vessels/veins)
EEN or Exclusive Enteral Nutrition
Exclusively treats patients with a liquid formula diet​
ImproveCareNow Nutrition and IBD Toolkit Team